Thursday, April 12, 2007

Muhammad Haque exposes the brainwashing, anti-democratic lie that 'parliaments' represent the people...

AADHIKARonline The 6th Edition 2110 Hrs GMT London Thursday 12 April 2007

Published by AADHIKAR Media Foundation in association with the Khoodeelaar! campaign against the Crossrail hole plot. Scheme, scam, project’ Bill [in the UK House of Commons as at the date of the publication of this edition]

Editor©Muhammad Haque

AADHIKAR in association with ‘KHOODEELAAR! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole ‘scheme, scam, and project. Plot’ Bill’ campaign


Summarised version of the AADHIKAROnline- Khoodeelaar! Legal disclaimer at 1150 Hrs GMT on Saturday 24 March 2007
This statement is being made for ethical, moral, transparency and legal reasons. The moral claims and responsibilities for the contents herein are being owned and declared by the Editor and the AADHIKAR Media Foundation. Likewise, all legal claims and authorship rights are also asserted. This statement and disclaimer was edited and updated at 1150 hrs GMT on Saturday 24 March 2007
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AADHIKARonline and these editions in association with Khoodeelaar! The CAMPAIGN AGAINST the CrossRail hole project plan scheme scam Bill [the so-called ‘CrossRail Bill’, currently a draft piece of legislation in the UK Houses of Parliament] Published purely as an educational and information resource originally researched authored and created by the Editor and any named or identified other writer and or Author. NOT For inclusion in any commercial package whatever. Nor in any alleged work or confection or operation or piece that is in any way at any stage to be treated as an academic work in any institution anywhere. ALL the contents in this edition [as in the allied editions] of AADHIKARonline are originally researched, conceived of and are totally written and edited by the Editor except where a quotation or a reference to a third party or person is included which references are expressly acknowledged, cited and detailed. The same restriction applies to any inclusion in any type of academic, pseudo-academic operation, task or production in any part of the world. Not For inclusion as any component of any ethnicity-linked, pro-racist, colonialist, globalising publication, stunt, enterprise, trade or operation. ALL materials published from London UK by AADHIKAR Media Foundation on this web site or on any associated web sites remain the intellectual and moral creation and property of the creating author/s and Editor. None of the statements, contents or analyses contained here must be included with any publication in print or in any other form whether electronic or otherwise that is not authorised and approved by the author/s publisher and the Editor of these materials and contents

AADHIKARonline exposes the latest lying role for CRASSrail hole plotters being played by Ken Livingstone’s new capitalist approvers- as represented by the Dirty Digger Rupert Murdoch’s Times news outfit.
How the crazy Murdoch Times is plugging away for CRASSrail. AADHIKARonline will examine the latest position regarding the perniciously racist Matthew parries and what evil entente he has entered with the CRASSrail plotter Ken Livingstone. It is clear that Parris has stopped braying under his by-line for Crossrail directly and has been operating within the Murdoch media conglomerate to plan as many pro Crossrail hole plot items as possible. Regardless of merit, the Times has now become the only ‘quality’ organ in the Street of Lies [‘Fleet Street’, the collective description of what used to be the ‘press in Britain’] that is promoting the CRASSrail hole plot on a regular basis. No doubt the others will resume the corrupting habit in no time. Or now, the Murdoch Dirty Digging times is the only one that is being engage din the propaganda for looting the public cash to fund a bunch of conglomerates who are happy to give the evidently personality deficit sufferer Ken Livingstone the feeling that ‘even the Times is now recognising his service to capitalism’ To view the latest lies for CRASSrail as published by the Times outfit today [12 April 2007] CLICK here
[To be continued]
Ken Livingstone’s real achievement about London is that he has lied for almost 40 years about who he really is and what he is after and has got away with it. The litany of lies by Livingstone is not hard to locate. The latest lies of Livingstone about ‘creating jobs in Canary Wharf and in the East end’ – the mantra that the liar ahs been mounting via the compliant, liars-controlled BBC and other broadcasting outfits, is that both the Olympics 2012 and the CRASSrail hole plot against the East End of London will bring untold ‘benefits’ to the areas that they have targeted for destruction, mainly in the East End of London. That mantra is at the core of the liar’s strategy. ~to fool the majority of the morons who sit on the various allegedly elected positions in the name of the local people into accepting that what the liar mouths is nothing short of actuality. And to allow his lying image to be painted on the BBC’s London outlets [and as aped by the ITV's abysmally stupid fronters Alistair Stuart et al on the so-called ITV London tonight slots] as being the opposite – that he is ‘bringing benefits to the areas’ that eh is in fact colluding with big business to destroy. Now the revelation that the Saudi-funded Citigroup banking outfit, one of the largest in the Western world to be funded with Saudi money, is to sack thousands of employees mainly based in CANARY WHARF [one of the key locations intended to benefit via the CRASSRAIL hole attacks on Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area] is significant at several points and on various levels. Firstly those facing the sack are not people from the East End. Second they are not without conventional professional skills – as opposed to the majority of school-leavers and other young people and others of working age in the East end who are deprived of skills due to a whole range of causes and reasons,. Many of which were caused by the lies hat Livingstone has been perpetrating for the past 30 years. [To be continued] One of the dozens of reports being carried by various London-based ‘news’ outfits on the Canary Wharf calamity for the Citigroup employees can be viewed HERE

AADHIKARonline The 9th Edition 1720 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 11 April 2007
Khoodeelaar! is the movement in defence of the Brick Lane, Whitechapel Stepney London E1 area against the CrossRail hole attacks being plotted by the agent of ultra capitalist Big Business, that is greedily taking over the East End of London by dictating the agenda of the Blair regime of which the opportunistic Ken Livingstone has been a most eager colluder agent and tout.
BBC lying for Ken Lyingstone creating poverty in London - more shortly
Khoodeelaar! leads the way again - more on how the first definitive denunciation of the Brothelising British mainstream media over the Iran story- selling was registered and authored here -
Khoodeelaar! exposes further abuse by the BBC of the UK and London licence-payers’ money which is being abused by the BBC giving the liar in London Ken Livingstone the undeserved, the illegal and the unconstitutional, inaccurate, misleading, falsifying, fabricated, lying description and title ‘the mayor’ when the title that the fantasist Livingstone can claim to hold is as ‘the current mayor’ of London. There are in London and in the rest of the UK so many other holders of positions of mayor in different boroughs and cities, thus the BBC’s use of the description ‘the mayor’ [as they did through the moth of Riz Latif at their 1230 GMT bulletin for ‘London’ on BBC1 TV today Wednesday 11 April 2007] constituted a gross abuse of the BBC’s position as the broadcaster. No doubt the ever ‘’ itv London Tonight' fronter Alistair Stuart. will ape the BBC in the next edition of [ITV London Tonight] or in a later edition and do the same falsifying for the liar Livingstone. If and as Stuart does that he too will be committing an offence against the truth and he too will contribute his criminal bit to the distortion of the records of events in London at this present time. In the future, if there is a future that will have any of today's broadcast materials in archived, retrievable disks and files of any form, that will be consulted by any human beings about what actually happened and if the only sources for those seeking the truth about our time will be the archives of the BBC and ITV and their likes then the researchers, students and investigators of the future will be looking in the wring places. For the BBC will contain falsehoods. The ITV will contain falsehoods. Just as the BBC and the ITV are lying to against today’s audiences, and painting false pictures about what is happening in our time, so will the BBC be lying to the uncounted persons of the future who will look in vain in the BBC archives to learn the truth of what did happen in our times..So the BBC’s corrupting,. sick-making description, as mouthed by their current ethnicity-linked embarrassment [the embarrassment is to all those otherwise dignified, self-respecting, honourable people in whose ‘ethnic’ name she is employed by the pro-racist, pro-servility, pro-slavery BBC] R Latif fronting the edition as broadcast after the BBC1 TV news at 1300 Hrs London time [1200 hrs GMT Weds 11 April 2007]

Muhammad Haque on the idiocy of those who still peddle the lie that 'Parliament' is about representing the people anywhere

London 2110 Hrs GMT Thursday 12 April 2007

I am making this comment today mainly to bring into focus the relevance of the brainwashing imperialistic corrupting term ‘parliament’.

As it has been again used in a positive way by the internet editions of Rupert Murdoch’s immoral Sunday Times based in London in their coverage of the latest violence in USA-UK occupied Iraq.

The concentration by Murdoch – who is a xenophobic backer of the occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan and any number of other countries that he can contain in his programme of collusion with the neo cons- on the allegedly novel attack on what they lyingly call the Iraqi Parliament, is what I want to examine in this comment.

Their use of the term has been without qualification.

I say it is idiotic to claim that ‘parliaments’ are about representing the people. They are not. They will not be in the foreseeable future.

So don’t the peddlers of the lei that parliamentarians are about representing the people see this?

Of course they do. Or at any rate those who set the agenda for that lie do.

The majority of ‘parliamentarians’ everywhere are poodles. They have been for ages. And they shall be so for the foreseeable times to come.

So what is to be done about the gap - the absence of representation of the people?

This is the big dilemma.

Pitted against the hugely power-wielding propagandists
Engage din spreading the lie that Parliaments represent the epopee, the task is very hard.

But a task that must be undertaken and accomplished.
For the sake of the people.

And by definition, for the sake of all the people who among them also include some individuals whom the campaigners against parliamentary corruption would not approve of as persons on their conduct.

Collectively, the people do not stand any chance of justice and fairness without the removal of the myth that parliaments are there to represent the people.

The way things work – or do not work – makes it impossible for parliaments to be populated by people of education, of knowledge, of integrity and of character. And above all, of moral courage.

To begin with, the notion – in all its forms, classical, historic and contemporary – is corrupt because the composition of parliament entails seeking de facto votes r approval from the people and that by definition entails lying to the people. So the entity that is promoted as being the product of the consent of actively thinking, ‘participating’ people is a lying entity even before the first gathering has been held following any election.

[To be continued]


AADHIKARonline The 2nd Edition 0830 Hrs GMT/0930 Hrs UKtime London [Bank holiday] Monday 9 April

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole attacks on the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area
Index of campaign updates and action details due here during ‘Bank holiday’ Monday 9 April 2007
Why Crossrail hole plotter 'Undone mayor' Ken Livingstone’s lying plug/s for Crossrail hole 'benefits' is as shallow and vacuous today as it was in June last year [2006] when he Livingstone abused his position and wasted public money to counter the grassroots community opposition to Crossrail organised by Khoodeelaar!
Litany of Crossrail hole plot lies as retailed by Tower Hamlets Council in its 'Council reports', in its 'East End Lies', in its 'news releases' and in its 'secret communications'
Latest objections to Crossrail hole 'select committee' as put to the speaker of the UK House of Commons by Khoodeelaar!
Khoodeelaar! questions as put to Crossrail hole minister Douglas Alexander - April 2007
Khoodeelaar! demands against Crossrail hole and against the waste of any more public money on the hole project - as put to Tony Blair by the Khoodeelaar! deputation handing in the letter at No 10 Downing Street [30 January 2007]
Muhammad Haque daily commentary - how the Iranian's 'Easter present' to Tony Blair has turned out to be even more generous than the Iranians could ever have dreamt of .....The secrets of the 'abiding, enduring acceptability of the mental slave Trevor McDonald' and how he steps into the ghastly corrupting immoral pro-racist, pro-imperialist, pro-Empire shoes of the most corrupt of the colonialists - so corrupt that even the likes of Max Hastings come across as being almost corrigible compared to the servitude and the emptiness that Trevor McDonald typifies [To be continued]
